We’ve very nearly made it through what seems like 53 days of January! 2021 is indeed in full swing, even if it’s not the start that many of us had hoped for. Still, there is plenty to be getting on with, like your social media strategy for February! So grab your notebook and start jotting down some of these key days for social media for February to include in your plan for the month, and jump on the chance to create just-for-fun posts your audience can engage with!
Social Media Dates – February 2021

2nd – Groundhog Day – Stemming from an old superstition, Groundhog Day is when Punxsutawney Phil will predict either six more weeks of winter or an early spring depending on whether or not he sees his shadow. If he does not see his shadow, then spring will soon arrive (supposedly)!
4th – World Cancer Day – This international day is all about cancer awareness – it’s detection, treatment, research, its survivors and those lost. This year’s theme uses the hashtag #IAmAndIWill and encourages action from individuals and organisations alike. More information can be found on the official website here.
4th – Thank a Letter Carrier Day – Our postmen and women and delivery drivers have been working so hard over this last year especially to bring us our letters and parcels when record numbers are being sent. Not only are they bring us our letters and packages, but they’re also helping to keep small businesses going who may have had to pivot their business to being more online. Why not leave a little note for your letter carrier to say thanks?! It may just put a smile on their face!
5th – World Nutella Day – Yes, there is even a day for fans of the hazelnut chocolate to celebrate, not that anyone needed an excuse! Are you a Nutella lover?
7th – Super Bowl Sunday – The NFL’s annual championship match will take place on the 7th this year in Tampa, Florida. Even those who aren’t normally fans of American Football tend to gather to watch the big game, complete with plenty of food and drink! Are you a fan of American Football? Who do you think will win it this year?
9th – Safer Internet Day – This awareness day is committed to educating everyone on issues faced when being online and how to stay safe, from cyberbullying to security to even social media. What tip would you give to keep safe online?
9th – National Pizza Day – And while you’re working on sprucing up your cyber security for Safer Internet Day, why not do so with a fresh pizza? It is also National Pizza Day too after all! What are your favourite toppings? Do your audience feel the same? How about pineapple on pizza? You could also use today to shout out your favourite local pizza place!
12th – Chinese New Year – It’s the Year of the Ox! While celebrations may be a bit quieter this year instead of the usual parades and fireworks, there are still many customs used to mark the day that anyone can join in on. This includes catching up with friends and family (virtually!), working on arts and crafts like paper lanterns and carrying out a “winter cleaning” as a way to say goodbye to the old year and welcome to the new. Personally, we like the sound of the first two!
13th – Galentine’s Day – This newer holiday, made popular thanks to the hit TV show Parks & Recreation, is about “ladies celebrating ladies” as character Leslie Knope put is. It’s about those strong friendships and bonds between women, which makes for some of the most important relationships we have. According to Boux Avenue, searches for “Galentine’s Day” have gone up 400% since 2015, so what was a fictional day made up on a sitcom as “the best day ever” has really taken off!
14th – Valentine’s Day – Ah, the day of love! This can be a big day for businesses, especially those who specialize in traditional gifts, so get those promotions planned now! It’s also a great day to “share the love” and divulge some tips within your industry that your audience may find useful, or shout out your loyal customers through this time and spread a little love.
15th – President’s Day – Today is a federal holiday in the United States, and although it is meant to mark first US President George Washington’s birthday (which is actually on the 22nd), the day has come to honor the great presidents of the past.
16th – Pancake Day/Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras – Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Tuesday is on the 16th and we’re getting hungry just thinking about it! How do you prefer your pancakes? It’s also known as Fat Tuesday in the US and marks the start of the famous Mardi Gras festival in New Orleans.
17th – Random Acts of Kindness Day – Random acts of kindness are inspiring, thoughtful and just give off oh-so-lovely feelings for both the person who receives it and the giver! Of course, we could be doing random acts of kindness every day, but why not make it a point today to remind yourself of the power random acts of kindness can have? You just might make the day of someone who needs a little pick-me-up. You can leave notes of encouragement for neighbours or while out on a walk for a stranger to find, drop off some groceries to your nearest food bank, pay for a stranger’s coffee, send flowers – the list is endless! Don’t forget, there is no act too small, and it could set off a chain of good events.
18th – Drink Wine Day – We’re certain we come across a few of these a year! But we though we would throw it in, just for fun (and if you needed an excuse to have a glass of wine in the week).
22nd – 7th March – Fairtrade Fortnight – This annual 2-week event promotes Fairtrade products and why they are so vital. Buying Fairtrade means you are supporting farmers and producers with fair pricing so they can make a living. Fairtrade Fortnight not only promotes the fabulous products you can get, but also to spread awareness of where they are sourced.
February is also Black History Month in the US, a time of celebration of the fantastic achievements made by African and Caribbean descent and key figures who have made a difference.
Update Your Social Media Strategy for February
This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but some that have been trending topics in the past, giving you the chance to jump on board and possibly extend your reach, or things worth shouting about. There are also come thrown in that are just-for-fun too!
If you want to look at your social media strategy in these changing times, we’re happy to help! Get in touch for a free consultation with us today to help set you up on the right path with your social media marketing efforts.